2025 February 12
- 2 LARGE heads of garlic (to make ~1 cup of garlic cloves, peeled)
- 1/2 cup of lemon juice (about one lemon)
- 1 tsp kosher salt
- 2 cups of neutral oil or extra light olive oil (NOT EVOO)
Peeled two garlic heads (this took ~30 minutes), juiced one lemon, added kosher salt to a container that came with my immersion blender. The blender made some scary noises but I just kept pressing down into the garlic and eventually it became a paste. I added the 2 cups of garlic on top, and then slowly moved the immersion blender up following the whitening paste.
Following this recipe. I have tried at least three separate times over the past few years to make toum (my beloved favorite sauce I can only get when ordering shawarma...) and this is the first time it actually worked!! Immersion blender my beloved. No pictures on this one because it's not very photogenic but I added my toum to a baked potato and it was wonderful. Next time, I would potentially get pre-peeled garlic to save a lot of time peeling. I would also reduce the oil to 1 1/2 cup, the consistency was more saucy than fluffy but I think reducing the oil would fix that. It does make a pretty large batch though, so time to see where I can add garlic sauce to everything in my life.