ENTRY: Japanese Curry w/ Oyster Mushroom

2025 February 26


Caramelized some julienned yellow onion by leaving it in a pan on low for like an hour. Then, I removed the onions from the pan, and added some oyster mushroom with a splash of sherry. I let that cook down, added the greens, and then added the onions back in. I added water and let everything simmer with the 2 boullion cubes, garlic, and ginger. Finally, I stirred in the curry cubes with a splash of soy sauce and some honey.

The oyster mushrooms are a funny story, they were given to me by my mom after we went to the Asian market together. I actually thought they molded because they had some white fuzz so I threw them out. Then my mom informed me like 20 minutes later that the white fuzz is actually just mycellium, and to "go get those oyster mushrooms because those are expensive". I rescued and rinsed them very well. They took on a lovely chicken-like role in this curry, and the extra time to caramelize the onions really added a lot of flavor to this dish. I'm a huge fan of golden curry blocks because how how easy they are to use, but I'm always looking for ways to improve the flavor and make them a bit more interesting.